Hello, just installing todays snapshot and the default offset on amd64 is 64, (as it has been for as long as I can remember) Is it worth while updating the defaults so that OpenBSD partition layout will be optimal for SSD or other Virtualized RAID environments with 1MB Chunks,
Is there a down side to moving the default offset to 2048 ? 1MB off set on 512 byte format disks. we have been running 2048 offset as our starting offset, for our OpenBSD installs for about 3 -4 years now and we have not come across issues. it is unlikely that this will be changed in 6.9 release but It might be worth re-visiting as it would make for more straightforward aligned partitions on OpenBSD installs.. my experience is more for x86 / amd64 rather than other platforms .. Kindest Regards, Tom Smyth -- Kindest regards, Tom Smyth.