On 2021-03-28 15:37, Paul W. Rankin wrote:
I'm running cgit with httpd + slowcgi and can't seem to get the
about-filter to work. Both httpd and slowcgi run in the default chroot
of /var/www.

I've compiled lowdown with "-static -pie" to /var/www/bin/lowdown
(chroot /bin/lowdown) with permissions:

    -rwxr-xr-x  1 root  bin  1325512 Mar  4 01:38 /var/www/bin/lowdown

In my cgitrc (cgit.conf):


However, upon visiting an About page of a repo that includes a
README.md, I get only a blank page and the following is logged in

    lowdown: README.md: No such file or directory

Okay I figured this out, but the solution raises a troubling question...

The cgit about-filter doesn't want an executable to do e.g. the Markdown conversation, rather it wants a script that will return the command to perform this, e.g.:

    case "$1" in
    (*.md)              exec /bin/lowdown ;;
    (*)                 exit ;;

This works, i.e. README.md files are converted to HTML, but this requires copying the sh binary into /var/www/bin, which is the troubling part.

Is this an acceptable thing to do, security-wise?

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