Thank you. Please see inline:

On Tue, 9 Mar 2021 at 13:03, Stuart Henderson <> wrote:
> On 2021-03-08, Sivan ! <> wrote:
> > Thank you.  One unresolved issue. While running fetch, there was an
> > error pop up that said /usr directory is out of space, though an
> > entire 250 GB nvme is for OpenBSD, almost with no user files, except
> > for the ports tree that was being downloaded b the fetch command.
> > When installing OpenBSD in a 250 GB nvme, I chose GPT and let the
> > installer decide on partitions. But something went wrong.
> The disk is split into partitions. Run df -h to see what's free.

This is what I see:

bash-5.0$ df -h
Filesystem     Size    Used   Avail Capacity  Mounted on
/dev/sd2a      986M    128M    809M    14%    /
/dev/sd2l      168G    5.2G    155G     3%    /home
/dev/sd2d      3.9G    324M    3.4G     9%    /tmp
/dev/sd2f      5.8G    5.1G    432M    92%    /usr
/dev/sd2g      986M    239M    697M    26%    /usr/X11R6
/dev/sd2h     19.4G    4.9G   13.5G    26%    /usr/local
/dev/sd2k      5.8G    116M    5.4G     2%    /usr/obj
/dev/sd2j      1.9G    2.0K    1.8G     0%    /usr/src
/dev/sd2e     15.3G   36.5M   14.5G     0%    /var

> To convert "marketing capacity" for a drive (given in "decimal GB") into
> usable capacity in binary GB (some people call this GiB), use this
> calculation:
> (97696368+(1953504*(capacity-50)))/2048
> (The formula is from IDEMA LBA1-03 plus a conversion from 512-byte LBA
> blocks to GB)
> So for 250GB
> (97696368+(1953504*(250-50)))/2048 = 238475.1796875

Thank you. The issue is that in the bios I see two entries, the entry
that is listed as
"Samsung SSD 970 EVO Plus 250 GB (238476 MB)" is sometimes
automatically selected to boot, the boot process halts with a one line
"No active partition error. Then I have to get into bios to choose the line
that says "line No 1:  UEFI OS (samsung SSD EVO 970 Plus 250 GB)" This
is why I raised the 30 blocks / GB-MB issue.

> Then there's a little extra used for filesystem structures.
> > It started with the warning:  Not all of the space available to
> > /dev/nvme0n1 appears to be used, you can fix the GPT to use all the
> > space (an extra 30 blocks) or
> > continue with the current setting?
> 30 blocks is nothing. Leave this alone.

Yes, I will leave the 30 blocks alone.
> > Does this imply that the 232.89 GiB is OpenBSD area, but somehow with
> > "no active partition" which is perhaps the reason why there was an
> > error message during fetch that said /usr directory is low on disk
> > space ?
> You filled the partition holding /usr when you ran "make" in
> /usr/ports/x11/gnome. Remove the build files with "rm -r /usr/ports/pobj"
> (or remove /usr/ports completely if you don't need it).

Before removing I looked for "pobj" under /usr/ports but did not find it:

bash-5.0$ cd /usr/ports/
bash-5.0$ ls
CVS             cad             games           math            print
Makefile        chinese         geo             meta            productivity
README          comms           graphics        misc            security
archivers       converters      infrastructure  multimedia      shells
astro           databases       inputmethods    net             sysutils
audio           devel           japanese        news            telephony
benchmarks      editors         java            plan9           tests
biology         education       korean          plist           textproc
books           emulators       lang         www
bulk            fonts           mail            ports.sec       x11

Is there a way of expanding the space in the /usr directory?

> The default auto-partitioning sizes do not give enough space to place
> ports under /usr and build anything other than the smallest ports.

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