Austin Hook wrote in
 |On Sat, 30 Jan 2021, Rudolf Sykora wrote:
 |> I tried to use the -r option with the mail program, but whenever I use
 |> the option I get a error like this:
 |> odin$ mail -r abcd -s abcd
 |> a
 |> EOT
 |> odin$ sendmail: command failed: 550 Invalid recipient: <rudolf.sykora@cv\
 |> odin$ mail -s abcd         
 |> sdas
 |> EOT
 |> odin$
 |> can anybody help me understand why? 

 |When you look at the full headers of the email received, having sent it
 |without the -r option, double check what the originating domain info 
 |looks like.
 |Then try with -r set to the same full qualified originating email 
 |address.  That way mail doesn't have to figure out what domain to add to 
 |the abcd.
 |If that works then somehow mail is not appending you originating domain 
 |address the way you want, and perhaps the target mail handler at 
 |is really complaining about the sender, and not the recipient.
 |(I am not any kind of expert at this -- just wondering.)

I have no idea of your boxes really (i did not even know OpenBSD
Mail supports -r), but my Mail clone (s-)nail documents (note
especially last paragraph; bit silly since standouts are missing):

 -r from-addr, --from-address=..
       The RFC 5321 reverse-path used for relaying and delegating mes-
       sages to its destination(s), for example to report delivery er-
       rors, is normally derived from the address which appears in the
       from header (or, if that contains multiple addresses, in
       sender).  A file-based aka local executable mta (Mail-Transfer-
from,sender,mta: variables
       Agent), however, instead uses the local identity of the initi-
       ating user.

       When this command line option is used the given single ad-
       dressee from-addr will be assigned to the internal variable
       from, but in addition the command line option -f from-addr will
I think sendmail used -r, but that ship sailed long ago.
Do all MTAs support -r still / does OpenBSD mail _do_ pass -f?
       be passed to a file-based mta whenever a message is sent.
       Shall from-addr include a user name the address components will
       be separated and the name part will be passed to a file-based
       mta individually via -F name.  Even though not a recipient the
       `shquote' expandaddr flag is supported.

       If an empty string is passed as from-addr then the content of
       the variable from (or, if that contains multiple addresses,
       sender) will be evaluated and used for this purpose whenever
       the file-based mta is contacted.  By default, without -r that
       is, neither -f nor -F command line options are used when con-
       tacting a file-based MTA, unless this automatic deduction is
       enforced by seting the internal variable r-option-implicit.
All this not OpenBSD for sure.

       Remarks: many default installations and sites disallow overrid-
       ing the local user identity like this unless either the MTA has
       been configured accordingly or the user is member of a group
       with special privileges.  Passing an invalid address will cause
       an error.


|Der Kragenbaer,                The moon bear,
|der holt sich munter           he cheerfully and one by one
|einen nach dem anderen runter  wa.ks himself off
|(By Robert Gernhardt)

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