I'm trying to set up my system so I can use 'sendbug' to send in a bug report for a kernel panic, and a number of issues have cropped up.

1. My mail provider won't let me send email from <u...@myhost.foo> but only from <my_lap...@domain.com>. Therefore I tried adding to ~/.mailrc:
        set from "my_lap...@domain.com"
Unfortunately, this didn't fix the issue, and /var/log/maillog is still showing "Sender address rejected" messages.

According to the mail manpage 'from' is a binary option, but this makes no sense to me, where does one set the default from address?

2. Where can I find the message that 'sendbug' composed? 'ls /var/spool/smtpd/queue/*' does not show any messages in any of the subfolders, did smtpd delete it because it couldn't be delivered?

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