Hi All,

What causes "proc: table is full", or better asked, what limit might I be

I wrote a quick loop to check how many processes are running i.e.
> while true           
> do
> DATE=`date +'%Y.%m.%d %H:%M:%S'`
> echo -n "${DATE}: "
> ps -AHk | wc -l
> sleep 90
> done
> 2021.01.19 12:59:21:     1821
> 2021.01.19 13:00:51:     1731
> 2021.01.19 13:02:21:     1698
> 2021.01.19 13:03:52:     1696
> ... 
I have yet to see a high of more than ~2000.

Sysctl shows me these proc values:
> kern.maxproc=8192
> kern.nprocs=283

I am the only user on the machine (Xfce Desktop and too many browser
tabs). I am a member of "staff" so I think these limits apply:
> staff:\
>     :datasize-cur=8192M:\
>     :datasize-max=infinity:\
>     :maxproc-cur=7500:\
>     :maxproc-max=10000:\
>     :openfiles-cur=15000:\
>     :openfiles-max=20000:\
>     :ignorenologin:\
>     :requirehome@:\
>     :tc=default:

Running "limit" in my shell (zsh) shows:
> cputime         unlimited
> filesize        unlimited
> datasize        8192MB
> stacksize       4MB
> coredumpsize    unlimited
> memoryuse       31608MB
> memorylocked    10537MB
> maxproc         7500
> descriptors     15000

Also, a related question ... that message shows up in the output of dmesg
and also gets logged to the messages file, but it isn't reported in my
Xconsole window. In there I see stuff like this:
> Console log for mjoelnir
> drm:pid64450:intel_pipe_update_start *ERROR* [drm] *ERROR* Potential atomic 
> update failure on pipe A
> uvm_mapent_alloc: out of static map entries

But no corresponding proc table full messages. Is it not considered to be
important enough to also go to this console?

Thanks in advance!


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