Todd C. Miller wrote:
> Error 24 is EMFILE, too many open files for the process (not the
> system).
> [...]
> That would only work if you were getting error 23, ENFILE which is
> the system limit.

Thank you for pointing that out! So it was the login.conf afterall.

> The recommended way to increase a limit is to add a new login class
> with the same name as the daemon.  For example:
> nginx:\
>         :openfiles=4096:\
>         :tc=daemon:
> This will be used automatically by the rc.d startup script.  See
> the rc.d man page for more details.

Wow, I would not have thought to look at the bottom of the rc.d man
page, thank you so much for mentioning that! I did what you suggested
for php73_fpm in my case and it works like a charm, no more errors.
Thank you!

Marc Peters wrote:
> If you really ran into problems with nginx and php_fpm while running
> nextcloud, you could either do this or change the user the serviceĀ 
> use and assign this user the daemon class or some special class.
> I am running a similar setup with the default configuration and no
> issues (since a week i use php-7.4, but had 7.3 before)

This occurred when scrolling top to bottom in a folder of 200+ images,
perhaps you don't usually have that kind of use? Either way I managed
to reproduce the errors by repeating this procedure, so I am pretty
sure it was the cause. Cranking up the openfiles limit for php73_fpm
did end up making the errors disappear.

Maurice McCarthy wrote:
> Have a look at man ksh - the section on the command "ulimit".

I was actually looking for a ulimit manpage but was unsuccessful -
thanks for pointing out it is part of ksh(1)!

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