Hello misc list:
I have had a Web Server at home for 20 years, and this time, i am not
able to discover the error! I am Agronomist, then my knowledge is in
other field.
I rented a server at vultr, with clean installation, because i lost my
Laptop and back ups.
I created rc.conf.local and added httpd_flags="" and without any change
i did a reboot.
After that, acme-client -v my_domain, then did the test with default
httpd.conf! it worked for 1 second and 403 Forbidden message appeared!
httpd -n says OK, permissions seem ok to me, i have not touche them.
Your help and OS are very much appreciated
The new httpd.conf using my_domain:
# $OpenBSD: httpd.conf,v 1.20 2018/06/13 15:08:24 reyk Exp $
server "my_domain" {
listen on * port 80
location "/.well-known/acme-challenge/*" {
root "/acme"
request strip 2
location * {
block return 302 "https://$HTTP_HOST$REQUEST_URI"
server "my_domain" {
listen on * tls port 443
tls {
certificate "/etc/ssl/fullchain.pem"
key "/etc/ssl/private/key"
location "/pub/*" {
directory auto index
location "/.well-known/acme-challenge/*" {
root "/acme"
request strip 2