> 10. jan. 2021 kl. 14:47 skrev Steve Fairhead <st...@fivetrees.com>:
> Hi folks,
> I hope I'm just missing something stupid. It's been a while since I deployed 
> public OpenBSD servers, but I've done plenty. I always use a defence in 
> pf.conf against brute-force SSH attacks, which has served me well in the past.
> On a new machine running 6.8, this no longer appears to work. I've stripped 
> it back to:
> table <scanners> persist file "/etc/scanners"
> block quick from <scanners>
> pass quick proto tcp from any to any port ssh flags S/SA keep state \
>       (max-src-conn 10, max-src-conn-rate 3/15, overload <scanners> flush 
> global)
> (taken directly from https://home.nuug.no/~peter/pf/en/bruteforce.html )

Taking a peek at what I run the main difference I see is that I do a block by 
default at the very beginning of my pf.conf, and

# pass proto tcp to port ssh
pass in quick log (all) on egress proto tcp to port ssh flags S/SA keep state \
        (max-src-conn 15, max-src-conn-rate 2/10, overload <bruteforce> flush 
global, pflow)

I also run a cron job twice an hour to stuff anything trying for obvious 
stupidity like logging in as root or admin get added to the table (some 
handwaving tips at 

- Peter

Peter N. M. Hansteen, member of the first RFC 1149 implementation team
http://bsdly.blogspot.com/ http://www.bsdly.net/ http://www.nuug.no/
"Remember to set the evil bit on all malicious network traffic"
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