
I have small suggestion for improving man page for acme-client.conf.5.
Basically just adding "comma separated" to clarify on the format of the
list for alternative names. I had to dig into the parser.y to figure
this out, so it would be nice to have it documented.
diff --git a/acme-client.conf.5 b/acme-client.conf.5
index 7971fb6..a47a8e2 100644
--- a/acme-client.conf.5
+++ b/acme-client.conf.5
@@ -125,9 +125,9 @@ If not specified, the
 .Ar handle
 of the domain block will be used as common name.
 .It Ic alternative names Brq ...
-Specify a list of alternative names for which the certificate will be valid.
-The common name is included automatically if this option is present,
-but there is no automatic conversion/inclusion between "www." and
+Specify a comma separated list of alternative names for which the certificate
+will be valid. The common name is included automatically if this option is
+present, but there is no automatic conversion/inclusion between "www." and
 plain domain name forms.
 .It Ic domain key Ar file Op Ar keytype
 The private key file for which the certificate will be obtained.

Have a nice day,

There are only two hard things in Computer Science:
cache invalidation, naming things and off-by-one errors.

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