On Thu, Mar 02, 2006 at 03:38:09PM +0000, Constantine A. Murenin wrote:
> Graham,
> You seem to have some contradicting views on the matter. What is the
> difference between greylisting and the aforementioned spamtrapping
> approach? Isn't it essentially a variation of the very same thing,
> namely the use of 450/451 smtp error codes so that the broken MTAs can
> go and relax? :-)

Greylisting (which I use) defers (almost) all incoming mail for a period
of time.  His trick (which is awesome) only defers mail when his primary
MX is down anyway or the sender is misbehaving by going to a higher
preffed MX.

I may have to add this to the arsenal.  Nice one, Graham.

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