On 2020-12-13, Daniel Jakots <d...@chown.me> wrote:
> On Sun, 13 Dec 2020 20:34:35 -0000 (UTC), Stuart Henderson
><s...@spacehopper.org> wrote:
>> On 2020-12-12, Daniel Jakots <d...@chown.me> wrote:
>> > I've been using a LACP trunk on my apu (with the three em(4)). On
>> > top of which I have some vlans. I've been doing that for years and
>> > it's working fine.  
>> I used load-balancing trunk on APU before but stopped when I came to
>> the conclusion that APU running OpenBSD wasn't going to push more
>> than 1Gbps anyway.. (I use failover way more than any type of load
>> balancing)
> Yes but:
> - the three cables between the switch and the APU looks beautiful
> - I don't have to care which if is em0 and which if is em2. Just plug
>   everything.

You can still leave them all connected :p All the benefits of these
things, plus it's a tad faster because you avoid an extra software

On the other hand, using it may help find bugs or interop problems
which isn't a bad thing.

>> I don't see anything on the switch side I could change, and the log I
>> have is merely the ports going up or down when I reboot.
>> > Any idea why aggr(4) stays in no carrier status?  
>> Do you get any clues from "ifconfig aggr0 debug"?
> I just tried
> # ifconfig aggr0 debug
> # dmesg
><nothing different>
> # ifconfig aggr0 down
> # ifconfig aggr0 up
> # ifconfig aggr0 # checked the debug flag was still there
> # dmesg
><nothing different>

Set it before adding ports and you will at least see something like

aggr0 em0 trunkport: creating port                            aggr0 em0 mux: 
BEGIN (BEGIN) -> DETACHED                      aggr0 em0 rxm: BEGIN (BEGIN) -> 

so you can confirm that it does wrote something. These messages
are printf and do appear in dmesg.

>> What does the lacp status look like on the switch? (or does it just
>> say 'up' or something and not really have any status?)
> It doesn't say anything about the lacp, it just says the individual
> ports are going up or down (which is normal since I'm rebooting the apu
> to apply the network config change).

Looking at the switch docs you should get something from "show lacp
internal", "show lacp neighbor" - maybe compare them between trunk
and aggr?

Have you tried rebooting the switch?

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