Hi folks, I have to run several pflogd in parallel. To make pkill (i.e. newsyslog) work it seems to be necessary to create hard links pflogd1, pflogd2 etc., pointing to /sbin/pflogd. Soft links don't work, because they don't show up in the process table. This introduces new problems on the next upgrade of pflogd. Its unreliable and error-prone. (I lost 2 weeks of logfiles due to this.)
Would it be possible for pflogd to support a command line option -p /var/run/mypflogdinstance.pid, as common for other daemons? Without "-p" no pid file has to be written, as it is now. I know this flag was present in ancient OpenBSD versions, but I never understood why such a reliable feature had been dropped in advance of the undependable pkill. Thanx in advance Harri