
On 2020-11-14 13:50, Mischa wrote:
> Hi All,
> I am currently in the process of building a large filesystem with
> 12 x 6TB 3.5" SAS in raid6, effectively ~55TB of storage, to serve as a
> central, mostly download, platform with around 100 concurrent
> connections.
> The current system is running FreeBSD with ZFS and I would like to
> see if it's possible on OpenBSD, as it's one of the last two systems
> on FreeBSD left. :)
> Has anybody build a large filesystem using FFS2? Is it a good idea?
> How does it perform? What are good tests to run?
> Your help and suggestions are really appriciated!

I have a filesystem about that size on my home file server, (5 x 14TB SAS
in raid5 plus a hot spare) the drives are connected to a RAID card, but
then it's just FFS2 on it. It runs reasonably well for home use. Not
spectacular but not so that anyone has any complaints. fsck does take
quite some time to run, but this filesystem was created quite a long time
ago with the then default settings.

$ dmesg | grep LSI
mfi0: "LSI MegaRAID SAS 9260-8i", firmware 12.15.0-0239, 512MB cache
sd0 at scsibus1 targ 0 lun 0: <LSI, MR9260-8i, 2.13> naa.

$ df -h /mnt
Filesystem     Size    Used   Avail Capacity  Mounted on
/dev/sd0a     50.5T   14.6T   33.4T    30%    /mnt


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