many thanks to both of you for your replies.
I tried to pass DISPLAY env to cron without success: how is it done?
sctd is not a viable answer as it works just with fixed increments or
decrements; and from man sct:
"sct samples the color ramp in interval steps of 500 with temp values
between steps being interpolated."
So I doubt decrements of two every minute would guarantee white balance
On 29/10/20 16:53, Joerg Jung wrote:
On 27. Oct 2020, at 16:10, avv. Nicola Dell'Uomo
<nicola.dellu...@delluomo-morettin.com> wrote:
maybe I'm missing something trivial, but I can't figure out how to cron sct(1)
My user cron config works and cron log reports sct was executed, but screen
temp doesn't change ...
Here's my user crontab:
# $OpenBSD: crontab,v 1.28 2020/04/18 17:22:43 jmc Exp $
# SHELL=/bin/sh
#minute hour mday month wday [flags] command
# rotate log files every hour, if necessary
# 35 19 * * * touch /home/nicola/sct
35 19 * * * /usr/local/bin/sct 5000
# touch /home/nicola/sct was a test in order to verify I had not misconfigured
# cron was tested with SHELL variable defined and then commented out and the
result was the same.
FYI, there is a small sctd in the sct package, which probably
does exactly what you try to achieve manually here.