On 2020-10-20, Aisha Tammy <openbsd.m...@aisha.cc> wrote:
> Hi,
>    I'm wondering why the upgrade guide at 
> https://www.openbsd.org/faq/upgrade68.html
> doesn't contain more list of files to remove.
> Sysclean gives out a lot more names, but I haven't removed them yet cuz I
> trust the upgrade guide more as it is crosschecked by humans.
> But was still curious why this is much smaller than 66->67.
> Aisha

The upgrade guide only lists files that are likely to cause a problem
if left, not all the now-obsolete files.

sysclean is pretty good; I am happy removing any files listed by
sysclean | egrep '^/usr/(lib|bin|sbin|include|X11R6)' without further
checking (I do not make any changes to these system directories myself).

Outside of those directories I do review the list to make sure that
I don't remove files I've created myself or that have been created by
software from packages (sysclean is able to avoid touching files listed
in packages as @sample/@extra but not other files that might be created),
but this doesn't take long.

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