> On 24. Sep 2020, at 15.36, Otto Moerbeek <o...@drijf.net> wrote:
> On Tue, Sep 22, 2020 at 08:37:22PM +0300, Juha Erkkilä wrote:
>> Actually, I tested this again and now it appears
>> dump and restore both work correctly. Previously,
>> I first tested dump/restore with an empty filesystem,
>> then with some files, and it may be that the second
>> time I was accidentally testing restore with the first
>> dump file.
>> My tests were only with a small amount of files,
>> I will do a better test with proper data (about
>> 0.5 terabytes and over 100000 files) and will
>> report again here in a next few days.
> Lookin through FreeBSD commits I think you want the main.c one as
> well, otherwise silent corruption of the dump is still possible.
>       -Otto

With that patch I get a message:

fatal: morestack on g0
  DUMP: fs is too large for dump!
  DUMP: The ENTIRE dump is aborted.

This is on a 2 terabyte filesystem with 0.5 terabytes
of data “successfully” backed up (or at least I considered
the backup and restore as successful).

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