Hi All,
I am attempting to setup secure DNS on an OpenBSD 6.7 system using NSD, Unbound and a package called Opendnssec. I seem to have arrived at a point where one of the Opendnssec daemons, "ods-signerd", crashes on startup i.e. > # ods-signerd -dv > OpenDNSSEC signer engine version 2.1.6 > Bus error in ldns_rr_clone > Threaddump > Threaddump > Threaddump > Threaddump > Threaddump > Threaddump > Threaddump > Threaddump > Threaddump > Threaddump > Bus error I'm not sure exactly what Threaddump means but, as far as I can tell, no core file is dumped/written. Is there something I can/should do in order to enable a core dump, or to gather some more debug info. that I can pass on to the Opendnssec developers? Alternatively, if anyone has any ideas about what could be causing the problem, or how to avoid it, that would be even better :-). The other daemon started by Opendnssec seems to be running "as expected" e.g. > # ps aux | grep ods > _opendns 67028 0.0 1.1 24140 33728 ?? I 7Sep20 9:02.01 > /usr/local/sbin/ods-enforcerd Thanks in advance! Cheers, Robb.