On Fri, 28 Aug 2020 08:32:59 +0200, Sebastien Marie <sema...@online.fr>

> On Thu, Aug 27, 2020 at 03:27:58PM -0400, Daniel Jakots wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > I'm chasing a weird behavior with postgresql. Sometimes (it's very
> > infrequent) a sql request fails with "could not send data to client:
> > Permission denied". I reported the problem on pgsql-general@ [0]
> > and if I understood correctly, this happens when pgsql uses send(2)
> > and gets EACCES.
> > 
> > According to send(2) this happens when "The connection was blocked
> > by pf(4)". I have a cron that modifies a table with 
> > `pfctl -t TABLE_NAME -Tr -f TABLE_FILE_PATH`
> > 
> > The file is large so it's not exactly immediate. Could pf
> > temporarily block new connections while it loads the file? Or am I
> > looking at the wrong thing?
> >   
> From your pf rules, does the postgresql connection could be blocked if
> TABLE_NAME is empty/inconsistent ?
> Could you add (if you don't have already tested it), an explicit
> allow rule for postgresql to ensure the connection will success ?

They are distinct rules:
# grep -e api_bans -e 5432 /etc/pf.conf 
table <api_bans> persist file "/etc/pf.api"
block drop in quick from <api_bans>
pass in on vio0 proto tcp from $docker3 to (self) port 5432
pass in on vio0 proto tcp from $web1 to (self) port 5432

The thing is that it happens very rarely, and I'm not sure how to
reproduce it.

> From my reading, pfctl -Treplace is using DIOCRSETADDRS ioctl. On
> userland side, it tries to do it in one step (see
> src/sbin/pfctl/pfctl_table.c line 228), but could iterate on
> pfr_set_addrs() (I am unsure if the change is atomic or if the
> iteration is to ensure the change will be atomic with large enough
> buffer for result).
> The DIOCRSETADDRS ioctl on kernel side is done under PF_LOCK(). But I
> didn't check if the match rule would be done under PF_LOCK() or not
> (I am not familiar enough with pf(4) code to find the code which do
> the check).


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