On Wed, 19 Aug 2020 23:47:57 +0200, Vincent wrote:

> After several days, I have to reboot my machine because of mfs full. This is 
> not the first time.
> I have few mfs on this machine, but I observe that this is always a full 
> filesystem on /tmp after +40 days of uptime. 
> But on other mfs, I have very low filesystem activity. 

It is possible for a process to have a file open that doesn't have
a directory entry.  This can happen when a process opens a file,
unlinks it, and continues to write to it.

You can use the fstat utility to see what processes have files open
on a file system.  E.g.

 $ fstat -f /tmp

This won't tell you how big those unlinked files are, but it will
give you a list of suspects.  You can restart them and see which
one releases the space.

 - todd

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