On Wed, August 19, 2020 3:33 am, Hisacro Root wrote:
> On Tue, Aug 18, 2020 at 09:28:18PM -0400, trondd wrote:
>> The bug here is in how additional listen lines interact with the
>> remaining
>> configuration.  The first listen line in a server block gets the tls
>> block
>> and it doesn't get applied to the second listen line.  Except for certs
>> and keys which are handled differently for SNI.
> I rechecked, you're right. In TLS block except for key & certificate,
> sub domain server (or the server defined at last) inherits config from
> previously defined one (in example config, main server).
> Is it worthy of a bug or could be confusion on configs?

Yeah.  I would.  It's confusing.  Clearly there is an inconsistency in tls
parameter handling when there is both a new ip/port and an SNI host
defined in the same server block.

I'm not a C programmer so deciphering what's going on would take me a while.

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