On 2020-08-13 02:39, Sebastian Benoit wrote:
Jordan Geoghegan(jor...@geoghegan.ca) on 2020.08.12 10:32:21 -0700:
On 2020-08-12 02:08, Stuart Henderson wrote:
The only proxy we have for "what is really used" is dmesg submissions.
Since 6.7 release:
amd64 62
i386 5
arm64 3
macppc 2
octeon 1
Based on this there isn't a great case for adding any more.
I didn't realize you guys used dmesg@ as a popularity gauge, I thought
it was just for sending dmesgs for interesting/new hardware. I figured
with something like Edgerouters with their standardized hardware that
repeat dmesgs would just serve to irritate the devs. I personally
administer more OpenBSD 6.x machines than are on that list you sent. I
can start hammering dmesg@, but then I'm gonna skew your stats and
In a way, you also skew the stats if you dont send dmesgs. And "you" means
everyone. Do it once every 6 months (for every release) i'd say.
you're gonna think that your userbase consists of a bunch of autists
that unironically run macppc, sparc64 and octeon in production
everywhere. In the small Canadian town I live in, I've got a big chunk
of it running on OpenBSD. I've got a bunch of old 90's / 2000's i386
stuff too, so I can send dmesgs in for that too, the reason I didn't is
I figured the hardware was already 'been there, done that'.
If the dmesgs dont show that certain hardware is still used, the drivers for
it will get deleted eventually. Another reason to show what you use.
As I mentioned earlier in the thread, I can afford to donate 2 octeon
machines to any devs that are interested (including shipping world wide;
any devs reading: please contact me if you're interested), and am also
happy to help out with octeon stuff in any way I can. Obviously you guys
aren't going to trust me to do anything syspatch related as I'm not a
dev, but I'd at least like it to be known that there are people who care
about the octeon port and who are willing make an effort for it.
Okay, thanks for the info Sebastian, I'll start doing twice annual dumps
to dmesg@ for all my machines.