I was considering making a kernel patch that reported it was an exFATfilesystem
when the mount failed, which you would see if you were onttyC0, or could
call up with dmesg, as with the kernel messages thathappen when you first
plug a drive in.
Is there a concise "philosophy" of when the kernel should print amessage
post-boot?  Just when devices are dynamically configured?

  -------- Original Message --------
  Subject: Re: exFAT support
  From: Ingo Schwarze <schwa...@usta.de>
  Date: Thu, August 06, 2020 3:57 pm
  To: jo...@armadilloaerospace.com
  Cc: t...@openbsd.org


  in addition to what Bryan said...

  This message is wildly off-topic on tech@.
  If you reply, please reply to misc@.

  Quoting from https://www.openbsd.org/mail.html (please read that!):

  Developer lists:
  Discussion of technical topics for OpenBSD developers and advanced
  users. This is _not_ a "tech support" forum - do not use it as such.

  jo...@armadilloaerospace.com wrote on Thu, Aug 06, 2020 at 02:16:11PM

  > I tried to mount a 12TB USB drive, and was getting an
  > file type or format" error.

  Even on misc@, when asking questions, please state what you are
  actually doing, showing the exact commands you type and the exact
  output you get, together in the original order, for example like

  isnote# mount -t msdos /dev/sd1a /mnt
  mount_msdos: /dev/sd1a on /mnt: Inappropriate file type or format

  > It turned out to be due to exFAT formatting, but it took me some
  > investigating to figure that out. Would it be reasonable to have
  > kernel print

  You didn't say where you saw the message, but i assume it was the
  output of mount(8), not kernel output on the system console or in
  /var/log/messages. The kernel doesn't print such messages. The
  application program (e.g. mount(8)) prints them. All the kernel
  does is return an errno(2) to the mount(2) syscall. So you can
  find an exhaustive list of the messages that could be printed in
  the errno(2) manual page. Also, which errno(2) is returned from
  syscalls in which error case is not arbitrary and cannot be changed

  > a more informative warning like "exFAT filesystem not
  > supported" when you try to mount it with mount_msdos, or are
  > kernel prints considered bad form?

  I bet if the kernel had printed anything, you wouldn't even have
  noticed. Besides, yes indeed, the kernel is absolutely not supposed
  to print anything when users type wrong commands.


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