I installed OpeBSD 3.8 in a server beyond a company's firewall, so i can't
use internet's server a source of my packages.
I downloaded the packages and now they are accessible by a server FTP and
a Http server
that use the ports 998 and 999.
With Iexplore or Mozilla now I see the list of packages in my internal network
but when I try
to use the pkg_add it can't  find the files.
I try to use the new Method 

> export  PKG_PATH= ftp://xx.xx.xx.xx:998/<DIR WITH PKGS>/
> pkg_add -v <pkg name>

the method more simple

> pkg_add -v ftp://xx.xx.xx.xx:998/<DIR WITH PKGS>/<pkg name>

the old method 

> export  PKG_PATH= ftp://xx.xx.xx.xx:998/<DIR WITH PKGS>/
> pkg_add ${PKG_PATH}<pkg name>

all this method don't work

Someone have some idea ??
How can try to debug what's the problem ???

I try with ftp client and with pipe >get <pkg_name> "| pkg_add -v -"
it seems to work fine but when try to get dependency pkg_add prompt <xxxxx
can't find file 

Did you think i have some system parameter to set up ???

PS with 3.7 all work fine, both platform i386 and sparc

Thanks for all 

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