Hello misc.
Recently, i needed to setup l2tp-ipsec for some ip phones to reach my network.

so, the l2tp part is not trouble at all with npppd, but, the ipsec part is harder to understand.

after reading ipsec and ipsec.conf man,

i tryed to add just one line:

ike passive from my.ga.te.ip to any psk "mykey"

but this didn't work.

after some googling, i have found this line:

ike passive esp transport \
        proto udp from to any port 1701 \
        main auth "hmac-sha1" enc "3des" group modp1024 \
        quick auth "hmac-sha1" enc "aes" \
        psk "password"

it was found on undeadly.org

I need help to understand how it even works.

1) why does somebody use "transport" here and somebody use "tunnel"? I myself tryed "transport" and it works. than, what is the difference for l2tp?

2) ipsec.conf man, says that "esp" is default. But if I omit this option, it stops working with error like: PAYLOAD_MALFORMED.

3) and the most difficult for me to understand: Why does all howto's use this fragment:

proto udp from my.ga.te.ip to any port 1701 ??

the ipsec.conf man says: from src [port sport] [(srcnat)] to dst [port dport]

so, this line declare a tunnel, where our gate use any port, and our expected remote client use port 1701?? why does this even work?

Thank you in advance for help!

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