> Figure out how to build and install.  It is not hard to test.

I attempted over the weekend and I'm trying but my new code is not taking.
I am using 6.6 release source code and it looks like I'm doing the right
steps but when I reboot UEFI I still see the old boot not my new HelloBoot
that I installed.

Here are my steps:
# uname -a
OpenBSD upgrade.lan 6.6 GENERIC.MP#372 amd64

# fdisk sd0
Disk: sd0       Usable LBA: 64 to 976773104 [976773168 Sectors]
   #: type                                 [       start:         size ]
   1: EFI Sys                              [          64:          960 ]
   3: OpenBSD                              [        1024:    976772081 ]

# cd /usr/src/sys/arch/amd64/stand/boot/
# diff -u boot.c~ boot.c
--- boot.c~     Sun Jul 12 06:22:46 2020
+++ boot.c      Sun Jul 12 06:23:04 2020
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@

        snprintf(prog_ident, sizeof(prog_ident),
-           ">> OpenBSD/" MACHINE " %s %s", progname, version);
+           ">> HelloBoot/" MACHINE " %s %s", progname, version);
        printf("%s\n", prog_ident);

        devboot(bootdev, cmd.bootdev);
# make
# make install
install -c -s  -o root -g bin  -m 555 boot /usr/mdec/boot
BFD: /usr/mdec/sttIyjey: warning: allocated section `.bss' not in segment
install -c -o root -g bin -m 444  boot.8 /usr/share/man/man8/amd64/boot.8
# installboot -v sd0
Using / as root
installing bootstrap on /dev/rsd0c
using first-stage /usr/mdec/biosboot, second-stage /usr/mdec/boot
copying /usr/mdec/BOOTIA32.EFI to
copying /usr/mdec/BOOTX64.EFI to

when I reboot I see "OpenBSD/amd64" not "HelloBoot/amd64"


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