On 04/07/2020 14:59, Brian Brombacher wrote:
On Jul 3, 2020, at 3:34 AM, Kapetanakis Giannis <bil...@edu.physics.uoc.gr> 


My setup in relayd is like this:

redirect radius {
  listen on $radius_addr udp port radius interface $ext_if
  pftag RELAYD_radius
  forward to <radius> mode least-states check icmp demote carp

redirect radacct {
  listen on $radius_addr udp port radacct interface $ext_if
  pftag RELAYD_radius
  forward to <radius> mode least-states check icmp demote carp

I want to combine it in one redirect but the redirect forwards it to the first 
port defined in listen for both radius and radacct ports.

redirect radius {
  listen on $radius_addr udp port radius interface $ext_if
  listen on $radius_addr udp port radacct interface $ext_if
  pftag RELAYD_radius
  forward to <radius> mode least-states check icmp demote carp

Is there another way to do this or do I have to stick with two redirects?


Hi Giannis,

I have not tested your config or my advice for your config; however, my 
assumptions are sticky-address is needed per udp port conversation for radius.  
By contrast, if sticky was needed for the combination of both radius/radacct on 
same backend host per source address or address/port, you cannot achieve that 
reliably with least-states.  I don’t know the radius protocols enough to know 
the requirements.

Here’s my question after all that dribbling:

Have you tried using either of the following config options?

forward to destination
forward to nat

IIRC, in the past I had multiple TCP relay ports going to their specified ports 
on the backend.  I only needed to split things by address family (v4/6) for my 
own purposes.  I cannot remember if the directives above took port into 
consideration.  It might not be a far stretch to make that feasible with code 
changes but I haven’t seen the relayd code paths in question so that’s a 
complete guess (but I’m on my way to check ;).  Also since I concentrated on 
TCP relays, I don’t know how effective these directives would be for redirects. 
 My end config has separate relays per TCP service except passive FTP relaying.

Also, make sure your pf.conf has the right anchor.  Only mentioning it because 
your original email skips this detail.  I doubt this would be missing if you 
have a working setup already, so ignore if so.


Thanks for the answer Brian,

You 're probabaly right and least-states might not be the best choice. My setup is a working one, but it only has one server (for now) in the backend table so this hasn't come up so far.

I guess the best one would be
mode source-hash [key]

     least-states [sticky-address]
           The least-states option selects the address with the least active
           states from a given address pool and considers given weights
           associated with address(es).  Weights can be specified between 1
           and 65535.  Addresses with higher weights are selected more often.

           sticky-address can be specified to ensure that multiple connections
           from the same source are mapped to the same redirection address.
           Associations are destroyed as soon as there are no longer states
           which refer to them; in order to make the mappings last beyond the
           lifetime of the states, increase the global options with set
           timeout src.track.

     source-hash [key] [sticky-address]
           The source-hash option uses a hash of the source address to
           determine the redirection address, ensuring that the redirection
           address is always the same for a given source.  An optional key can
           be specified after this keyword either in hex or as a string; by
           default pfctl(8) randomly generates a key for source-hash every
           time the ruleset is reloaded.  sticky-address is as described


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