
I am using exactly the same WLE-200NX wifi card in an APU2B4. I have a 
BlackBerry KeyONE
running at Android 8.1 / Version ABT975 which I use as hotspot for the APU2.

After setting athn0 down, it is impossible to establish the connection - 
without further intervention -
a second time.

What helps is:

/sbin/ifconfig athn0
/sbin/ifconfig athn0 down -inet -inet6 -join bbk1 -wpakey -chan -bssid
/sbin/ifconfig athn0

Disabling the hotspot on bbk1 and re-enabling it

sh -x /etc/netstart athn0

This prevents to do a coldboot on the APU2 - reducing downtime.
AND: It works reliably everytime since month!


> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
> Von: owner-m...@openbsd.org <owner-m...@openbsd.org> Im Auftrag
> von Austin Hook
> Gesendet: Sonntag, 28. Juni 2020 23:43
> An: Kevin Chadwick <m8il1i...@gmail.com>
> Cc: misc@openbsd.org
> Betreff: Re: An Athn ar9280 client seems to require cold boots of late?
> I have a similar problem with the 6.7 release which I just installed today on 
> an
> 8Tb drive I'm using with my older ASUS laptop.
> athn0 at pci3 dev 0 function 0 "Atheros AR9285" rev 0x01: apic 2 int 17
> athn0: AR9285 rev 2 (1T1R), ROM rev 13, address 74:f0:6d:7a:42:7f
> Can't seem to shake it with a cold boot.  However I have some interesting
> other effects.  I have several wireless routers, one of which is quite old
> and doesn't even do wpa.   It's a UBNT antenna that I use to broadcast
> around the farm. So without any password at all, even the old kind,  if I
> ifconfig athn0 -wpakey
> ifconfig athn0 nwid UBNT
> dhclient athn0
> That works fine.
> Now, I can also project wireless from my cellphone using wpa2. Sometimes it
> works and sometimes it doesn't.  I don't know if it's after a cold boot of the
> laptop, but what does work for me it to just disable the hotspot from the
> cellphone for a moment, and then re-enable it.  Then it works fine with the
> nwid I set up and the wpa2 password I require.
> However no matter what I do I can't get a connection to my farmhouse
> wireless router.  It's a DIR822 Dlink.  Of course I know that's a low end 
> router.
> Recently they recommended a firmware upgrade, and since then I found
> that I was unable to set it up for no password, and had to add one, and then
> add that password to all the other devices in the house.
> Just now I saw that I can enable projecting a separate "guest" zone network
> from it, and that seems to allow having a null password.  However neither
> with a null password nor with an 8 letter password and can I get it to connect
> to the ASUS athn0
> I think I have had athn problems before with the ASUS, and I used to have a
> spare USB wireless of some sort that was more reliable, but I gave it away,
> after not having such problems with some other more recent releases (but
> before 6.7).  Wish I could remember what it was.
> If anyone has a recommendation for a reliable USB wireless stick that I can
> find on eBay, and plays well with athn, I'd be grateful.
> Moreover, if anyone can fix the problem before I go to that extreme, I'll send
> him the shirt off my back...  Happens I have about 1,000 OpenBSD T-shirts :-)
> Austin
> On Fri, 26 Jun 2020, Kevin Chadwick wrote:
> > After upgrading via sysupgrade for a few releases, I have had to cold
> > boot to get dhclient athn0 working on an ar9280 in client mode.
> >
> > Since my latest upgrade to a snapshot of Jun 17 kernel #275 with the
> > previous kernel being from Jun 2nd #237. I seem to have to cold boot
> > after running ifconfig athn0 down and then back up, where I'm *fairly*
> > sure that I didn't need to before that Jun 17th upgrade. ifconfig
> > debug mode shows the wireless handshake completing 4/4. Yet dhclient
> can't establish a link until cold booted.
> > A warm reboot does not resolve the problem.
> >
> > Has anyone else seen this or can reproduce it?
> >
> > I'll try a sysupgrade in the meantime but I'm not sure there has been
> > any code changes in areas that could resolve it.
> >

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