Hi there,
seems I get a bug with openbgpd in 3.9-beta snapshot of 12/02/2006.
I get some configuration like this
group "transit" {
remote-as xxxxx
local-address xx.xx.xx.3
neighbor xx.xx.xx.1 {
descr "transit-1"
announce self
set localpref 220
neighbor xx.xx.xx.2 {
descr "transit-2"
announce self
set localpref 220
group "remote-cores" {
remote-as myas
local-address zzz.zzz.zzz.1
neighbor zzz.zzz.zzz.3 {
descr "core-2"
announce all
set localpref 210
neighbor zzz.zzz.zzz.2 {
descr "core-1"
announce all
set localpref 210
group "IX-1" {
local-address aaa.aaa.aaa.50
announce self
set localpref 490
neighbor aaa.aaa.aaa.1 {
remote-as 1
group "IX-2" {
local-address bbb.bbb.bbb.10
announce self
set localpref 500
neighbor bbb.bbb.bbb.2 {
remote-as 2
Now the bug trigger when I add a new peer in IX-1 or IX-2 group and
that I make bgpctl reload.
Uppon this reload *all* the peers get the localpref changed from 500
or 490 (depending of the group) to.... 100... and the fib is
modified ... :/
I have to manualy clear each session to get the correct localpref in
each peers...
This is IMHO not good...