Hello guys. Today, I've installed OpenBSD 6.7 on Windows 10 pro ( Hyper-V ) which I already has 6.6 running very well.
So, the planning was: Migrate my conf's, turn off my 6.6 and make use of 6.7. 1 - By default hyper-v add's one processor. In the end of my fresh install it doesn't work ( tried two times ) ( My NTFS has 1M alignment ) - doesn't work = not boot 2 - I've recreated the VM and add two processors. It booted and I have installed some packages: pkg_add vim pkg_add tor pkg_add curl and pkg_add openvpn shutdown ( disks were synced ) Add additional network card and then Power ON again. ( with a lot of errors on filesystem ) My /etc/group file just get blank. Regards,