Hi, Chris Petrik wrote on Wed, May 06, 2020 at 11:57:30AM -0500:
> 0 > C USA > P Mississippi > T Gulfport > Z 39501 > O Petrik Consulting > I Chris Petrik > A 1610 Thornton, Ave > M ch...@cpettington.com > U http://www.cpettington.com/ > B 2282650091 > X > N BSD based consulting in the Mississippi area. We specialize in using > OpenBSD as our base go-to Operating System for all services requested. I see weak indications - though admittedly not clear proof - that this description may not be completely accurate and honest. The URI you provide does not mention OpenBSD at all as far as i can see and contains almost no content whatsoever. Searching your sites with web search engines, this is the only mention of OpenBSD i managed to find: https://blog.cpettington.com/blog/setups "I have done some changes to my services. Main server still runs Debian but it was updated to 10 with DirectAdmin (Too lazy to do all the things by hand) My second VPS from Transip was canceled and 2 VPS's were purchased. damon. - OpenBSD 6.6-Stable bsddev. - FreeBSD Current or version 13 This will prevent any issues as I like to change things around a lot." So, before May 2, 2020, you had two machines, both virtual, and then you got your (first?) OpenBSD machine (and only -stable)? And now you say "We specialize in using OpenBSD"? I suggest you resubmit your entry at some point in the future when it has become clearer that you actually do have experience providing OpenBSD-based services. Yours, Ingo