> Upgraded my router from 6.5 to 6.6.  Followed the upgrade guide and installed 
> most, not all, of
> the file sets.  I did not install the games set or several of the X sets.

Install all X sets, and then retry. mc uses X with some library
somewhere to display it on screen.

> I ran pkg_add -u and also used sysclean to find and remove all unneeded files.
> Afterwards, trying to run 'mc' results in:
> tangerine# mc
> ld.so can't load library libpcre.so.3.0
> Killed
> libpcre.so.3.0 is in /usr/local/lib
> Not sure how to go about fixing this, google searches did not turn up 
> anything on this.
> Looking for a bit of help.

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