Hi Constantine,

Constantine A. Murenin wrote on Tue, Mar 31, 2020 at 01:24:30PM -0500:

> What you say makes no sense

I wouldn't go that far; i think Aham has a point, even though it
certainly isn't a critical nor an urgent problem.

> for one simple reason: man.cgi (and cvsweb) moved out of www.openbsd.org
> ages ago, prior to there being any https on www.openbsd.org (correct me
> if I'm wrong here),

Not sure, maybe.  I don't feel like spending time on trying to find
out, it doesn't seem that important.

> so, there should not be any legitimate organic links that would be
> linking to https towards www.openbsd.org/cgi-bin/ in the first place;
> as such, there's little reason to change anything here.

Who knows what links people may have put into their web pages at
which times and for which reasons or what they type in their browser
address bars; those are not very pressing questions either.

The reason the redirection wasn't changed yet to avoid redirecting
incoming HTTPs connections to HTTP URIs elsewhere merely is that
the people having the necessary access to the www.openbsd.org server
are busy and apparently don't consider it a priority to improve
this particular detail.

While i do maintain man.openbsd.org, i don't have access to
www.openbsd.org, and i'm not sure i even want such access.


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