Hi Aisha, Aisha Tammy wrote on Fri, Apr 03, 2020 at 08:54:22AM -0400:
> I have been using spamd for quite a while and have been loving it. > I've seen that spamd currently only supports ipv4 and have been > wondering if it was possible to extend it to ipv6. I know that workforce > is always limited so I wanted to know if there is anyway to contribute > help towards this :) The way to contribute to OpenBSD is by sending patches - ideally small, incremental patches that work and are well tested, but when you get stuck, you can also send something like: "I hope to do FOOBAR, and here is what i have so far; the FOO part already seems to work in my preliminary testing, but i have doubts whether my approach to the BAR part is ideal. Feedback is welcome." > I admit I'm not the most knowledgeable about ipv6 so I was wondering if > there is any small place to start to contribute to spamd and build up > from there. > Hoping for some positive response. Being able to learn on your own is among the key qualifications required to contribute to OpenBSD. Learning by doing is recommended: First find an issue you would like to fix. Good judgement of your own abilities is essential here: don't pick a task so much over your head that you have no chance of ever getting it done. Picking something *slightly* more difficult than what you have experience with may be OK if you are willing to learn and can tolerate the frustration that unavoidably comes with the first try likely not being good enough for commit yet. Then again, getting used to the the processes of sending patches, receiving feeback, and improving and re-sending the patches such that they get ready for commit may also require some effort, so it is not a bad idea to start with tasks you are absolutely sure you can easily manage, until you get used to the processes, then progress to more difficult stuff in order to learn and grow. When asking questions, be as specific as possible, ideally showing specific patches or specific sequences of commands and asking specific questions about them. Avoid questions similar to "what should i do" or "where should i start" or "is there a todo list". That depends on what you are interested in and what your abilities are, and you need to know that yourself, no one else who doesn't know you personally can help you with that. Sorry that i can't give you specifics about spamd(8), but your question wasn't very specific anyway. In general, seamless IPv6 support is welcome in OpenBSD, but i'm not sure about the requirements of spamd(8) in particular since i never used it nor worked on it. Yours, Ingo