On 3/16/20 9:22 AM, Ingo Schwarze wrote:
> Hi Martijn,
> Martijn van Duren wrote on Mon, Mar 16, 2020 at 08:52:54AM +0100:
>> On 3/16/20 8:23 AM, Martin wrote:
>> If you want reading material find a function you don't understand and
>> lookup the manpage. If you want to have a more adventurous approach:
>> $ PAGE=$(ls /usr/share/man/man[23] | sort -R | head -1); \
>> man ${PAGE##*.} ${PAGE%.*}
> That can be simplified:
> $ man -l $(ls /usr/share/man/man[23]/*.[23] | sort -R | head -1)
> ;-)
> Ingo
Who said I went for simple? I even left a minor bug in there for Martin
to find. :-)