Hey, there is one link from /faq/ports/index.html to /faq/ports/differences.html, that makes no sense. Link is not broken, but there is no #Differences on the /faq/ports/differences.html. First part is #Extra. I think we can remove it.
Cheers, Alex Index: index.html =================================================================== RCS file: /cvs/www/faq/ports/index.html,v retrieving revision 1.35 diff -u -p -r1.35 index.html --- index.html 28 May 2019 01:53:12 -0000 1.35 +++ index.html 16 Mar 2020 12:07:43 -0000 @@ -83,8 +83,6 @@ Porter's Handbook <h3><a href="differences.html">Differences from Other BSD Projects</a></h3> <ul> - <li><a href="differences.html#Differences" >Important Differences from - Other BSD Projects</a> <li><a href="differences.html#Extra" >Extra Support</a> <li><a href="differences.html#Generic" >Generic Infrastructure Issues</a> <li><a href="differences.html#Make" >Using make Properly</a>