On Fri, Feb 28, 2020 at 07:24:50AM +0100, Ingo Schwarze wrote:
Hi Frank,

Frank Beuth wrote on Fri, Feb 28, 2020 at 04:22:27AM +0000:

Is the web documentation (FAQ etc) included in the base system by
default anywhere,

No it isn't.

I offered some years ago to translate the FAQ from HTML to mdoc(7)
and to include it in /usr/share/man/faq/ such that it would become
available for both -current and -stable both online and offline
without additional maintenance effort just like any other documentation
and such that it would automatically be included in apropos(1)
searches, but the proposal was rejected because the developers who
actually maintain the content of the FAQ consider it easier to
maintain in HTML than in mdoc(7) format.

We don't want to lose the valued contributions of those developers
who actually spend all the work maintaining the FAQ or make their
work any harder than it is now.

Thanks. Too bad the mdoc idea failed!

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