> > On Linux you can do the following:
> > { [1MB unencrypted GRUB bootloader partition] [Rest of hard drive
entirely encrypted] }
... which i would consider to be as insecure, as unencrypted root at all.
maybe check out https://wiki.osdev.org, they have nice articles on this.
IMHO a secure boot chain is only possible using a secured, open source bios,
removing all firmware like IME and such.
in such a BIOS you'd save a checksum of the bootloader to NVRAM and refuse
booting if the checksum is incorrect.
altering fw/kernel/boot loader is a common attack vector and if the hardware
is not in a secured room, it's anyways attackable.
depends what you want to achieve, but my recommendation is booting from USB
and mount encrypted root from the HDD.
you can safely remove the usb key after root mount and all your configs/etc
files are used from the encrypted storage.
this ensures 2 things: bootloader + kernel on USB boot media cannot be
attacked during system uptime and all bytes on disk are encrypted.
another advantage is, you don't need (to type, write down or remember) any
passphrases but can use strong random data for crypto payload/keys.

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