On Thu, Jan 30, 2020 at 03:43:41PM +0100, livio wrote:
> Dear all,
> I am unable to achieve decent throughput with a 1 GigE interface
> (Intel I210) on OpenBSD 6.6. When running iperf3 I get around 145Mbit/s.
> The config/setup is: APU2c4, Win10 notebook, no switch, Cat.6a cable,
> MTU 1500, 1000baseT, full-duplex, pf disabled, BSD.mp, no custom Kernel
> parameters/optimizations.
> With an increased MTU of 9000 (on both devices) the throughput is around
> 230-250Mbit/s.
> When running the same test with a FreeBSD 12.1 on the APU I achieve
> around 940Mbit/s (MTU 1500).
> The BIOS has been updated to the latest version (v4.11.0.2). The
> hardware of the device is: https://pcengines.ch/apu2c0.htm
> dmesg output:
> https://paste.ee/p/OeRbI
> Any inputs and help is highly appreciated.
> Many thanks,
> Livio
> PS: I ran the same tests on an APU1c4 with Realtek RTL8111E interfaces.
> The results were lower - around 95Mbit/s.
> https://pcengines.ch/apu1c4.htm


Without any tuning arguments I get:

chi# iperf -c beta.internal.centroid.eu
Client connecting to beta.internal.centroid.eu, TCP port 5001
TCP window size: 17.0 KByte (default)
[  3] local port 13242 connected with port 5001
[ ID] Interval       Transfer     Bandwidth
[  3]  0.0-10.0 sec   536 MBytes   449 Mbits/sec

... on an APU1C4, could it be you have a slow switch or router?  Any other
hardware that could slow yours down?

I'm happy with this result, the APU1 is not really a powerhorse.



> PPS: Others also seem to have low throughput. None of the tuning
> recommendations I found online substantially improved my results:
> https://www.reddit.com/r/openbsd/comments/cg9vhq/poor_network_performance_pcengines_apu4/

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