On 12/30/19 6:09 AM, Gustavo Rios wrote:
Is qmail dead ?

Does anyone here use openbsd with qmail+ldap ?

Hey Gustavo,

qmail may not be dead, i suspect it is as most of the download links at
the official site aren't reachable, not a good sign.

I understand that people get attached to software, occupational
hazzard,.  That said, my recommendation is to bandon qmail,

DJB is super smart guy! (has anyone heard from him lately???)  qmail was
great in it's hey day, just like djbdns.  butttt..qmail, from my
experience is the most complicated MTA to date...:)  others of the list
have stated postfix is their go to, i've used it for years and it works
wonderfully and still totally maintained, others.... opensmtpd, I
switched to it, and not looking back.

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