> No set options in pf.conf, i had "scrub in", then changed to "scrub
> in on 
> $ext_if", then commented out at all.
> Quite simple NAT, couple rules redirecting incoming traffic, "pass
> out keep 
> state". Or should I paste the whole thing?
> 3.9 GENERIC#597 i386, snapshot from 5th/6th Feb, or should I paste
> the whole 
> thing? I'll have to reboot for that, as for now it got filled with
> messages 
> about me trying to write to a full system, eh, the habit of mirroring
> whole 
> install sets of various distributions... ;)
> Thanks in advance for any help, pointers, or kicks in the right
> direction. I 
> think i saw someone with a problem like that, but didn't manage to
> find 
> anything in the archives...
> -- 
> viq
> (I am subscribed to the list)

I had something like this problem awhile ago.  It had to do with
something regarding the default max-mss values.  Don't know the exact
details, but changing the scrub lines to the below solved my issue,
perhaps yours too.

scrub in all max-mss 1452
scrub out all max-mss 1452

Hope that helps, or at least gives you something else to look at.

best regards,
Reid Nichol

"We're in a giant car heading into a brick wall at 100 miles/hr and
everybody's arguing about where they want to sit."
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