Am 09.01.2020 16:10 schrieb Ingo Schwarze:
And Bob gave a talk about VFS hacking the very same
event. Might be an eye-opener of those "proposing to help".
(somehow the slides didn't made it to /papers/?)
Cool, i wasn't even aware of thib@'s talk back then. That was the
very first year i ever took part in a hackathon, and it wasn't that
And I wasn't aware the 3-line-diff joke is at least that old.. hmm :)
Anyway.. at c2k3 (or was it 2004?) I was looking
into porting linux ciss(4) driver to OpenBSD naively.
As a more or less young gun back then: "all driver code is there, just
some... interfaces and be done!". Nope.
Well, you cannot hack storage/disk drivers without some VFS
knowledge.. mickey@ (bless him!!), art@ and niklas@ walked me
through someof that but hell.. what did I knew.
Long story short: even with help and lotsa beer I ended up with
empty hands. (eventually mickey did the "port" 1-2y later (by manpage
So for the "aah, cant be that hard" crowd: it IS a bloody messy
place (even IF you rip NFS out of it....). I'd say hacking in this
area (arena..) requires years of experience to produce something
that can go into the tree.
In other news.. ah no, cut it.