I don't understand why people say that perl's flexibility is a negative. Bad code is a negative. You can have bad or inconsistent code even in a language like python that has very rigid syntax.
As long as you know perl well, you should be able to read any well-written perl code. To me, both of those examples are equally readable, though, I'd lean more towards a multiline approach with the second: my %user = ( login => 'mc', shell => 'bin/zsh', ); On Thu, Jan 02, 2020 at 04:22:08PM +0100, Marc Chantreux wrote: > hello, > > > > my %user = qw( > > > login mc > > > shell /bin/zsh > > > ); > > > print $user{login}; > > > my %user = ( login => 'mc', shell => 'bin/zsh'); > > is way more readable in that case, I think, > > and it does showcase what a *smart* quoting system can do. > > well ... i prefer the way i wrote because i love to: > > * remove useless symbols > * read columns > > but yes: the drawback of perl is: there are so many ways to do > it so every project needs a clear coding style. > > regards > marc >