On 2/1/20 12:30 am, Marc Chantreux wrote:
> * the python community was unfair comparing the langages (using ugly
>   perl code and nice python counterparts). instead of taking time to
>   explain all the biases, perl community repetedly asserted that the
>   authors of those article were incompetents and gone away.

Heh, I've heard Perl described as executable line noise, and for sure,
it will let you write code like that.

But so does C.  There's even a contest for doing exactly that.

I've seen some pretty ugly Python code too.

If you set out to write ugly code, you will get ugly code, doesn't
matter what the language is.  If you set out to write a thing of beauty,
it can be that thing of beauty.

It's more a factor of the programmer involved and their skill, rather
than any fault of the language in most cases.
Stuart Longland (aka Redhatter, VK4MSL)

I haven't lost my mind...
  ...it's backed up on a tape somewhere.

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