Namaste Ingo,

Danke for your reply. I am sorry for the delay in my response.

> Sent: Monday, December 09, 2019 at 4:44 PM
> From: "Ingo Schwarze" <>
> To: "Aham Brahmasmi" <>,
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: Openrsync manpage - EXAMPLES and SEE ALSO
> Namaste Aham,
> Aham Brahmasmi wrote on Mon, Dec 09, 2019 at 04:55:07PM +0100:
> > On the openrsync manpage [1],
> > [1] -
> > 1) In the EXAMPLES section, the examples use "rsync".
> > ...
> > % rsync -t ../src/bar ../src/baz host:dest
> > ...
> > The SYNOPSIS section has the invocation as "openrsync".
> >
> > Should we use "openrsync" in the EXAMPLES section?
> I don't think so.
> Ultimately, we hope to install OpenRSYNC as simply /usr/bin/rsync
> rather than /usr/bin/openrsync, but it isn't quite ready for that
> yet, too many features are still missing.
> Until then, it can't be helped that the documentation is somewhat
> messy.  In particular, we don't really want to force "openrsync"
> too deeply into people's finger memory.

Danke for the helpful overview. Given the direction, I now understand
the current state better.

> > 2) In the SEE ALSO section, clicking on rsync(5) and rsyncd(5) results
> > in "No results found". An apropos [2] for "rsync" gives two results, one
> > of which is for openrsync itself.
> Our source tree contains files rsync.5 and rsyncd.5 documenting the
> protocols, but they are not installed.  I think we should either
> install these two files if they are accurate and considered relevant
> or delete the two links from rsync(1).
> I'm not sending a diff because i don't know which course of action
> is better.
> > Is there a configuration file format for rsync{d}?
> Samba rsync supports rsyncd.conf(5) but OpenRSYNC does not appear
> to at this time.

I was under the (now incorrect) impression that the rsync{d}.5 links
were related to configuration files for rsync{d}, hence my query. I now
understand that they are rsync protocol descriptions.

> Yours,
>   Ingo


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