Hello. Jon Fineman wrote in <20191223153845.kcdii%...@fineman.me>: |For current s-nail is there a way with an imap account to copy messages \ |that I |delete to my ISPs trash folder like the set record=+Sent command copies \ |sent |message to my sent folder? | |Currently they are being permanently deleted.
I would say there are multiple possibilities, if i understand your desire correctly. The easiest would likely be a function plus a commandalias (or even a key binding). define my_delete { \copy "$@" /tmp/undelete.mbox \delete "$@" } commandalias d '\call my_delete' And then you say "d *" as before. Just replace my_delete with whatever is your desire, but note that this is inefficient unless you stay under the same IMAP account (for a while). You could also just use \move instead of \copy, which is likely very much more efficient than the above. But there is no automatic and builtin way to say, for example, "just let delete do x and y", no. |Thanks. Hope this help. Merry Christmas ;) i wish from Germany, Ciao, |Jon | | --End of <20191223153845.kcdii%...@fineman.me> --steffen | |Der Kragenbaer, The moon bear, |der holt sich munter he cheerfully and one by one |einen nach dem anderen runter wa.ks himself off |(By Robert Gernhardt)