
My DNS program gets a SIGBUS when I execute it.  I have ktraced it, upped
limits and searched in the mips64 source for answers, could this be a compiler

 41651 dddctl   CALL  connect(6,0xfffffcacb0,16)
 41651 dddctl   STRU  struct sockaddr { AF_INET, }
 41651 dddctl   RET   connect 0
 41651 dddctl   CALL  kbind(0xfffffc9b48,24,0x801d30cbade359aa)
 41651 dddctl   RET   kbind 0
 41651 dddctl   PSIG  SIGBUS SIG_DFL code BUS_ADRALN<1> addr=0xfffffca17d 
 82637 dddctl   RET   wait4 41651/0xa2b3

The SIGBUS code ADRALN I have found in /sys/arch/mips64/mips64/trap.c around
line 463 on OpenBSD 6.6:

        case T_ADDR_ERR_LD+T_USER:      /* misaligned or kseg access */
        case T_ADDR_ERR_ST+T_USER:      /* misaligned or kseg access */
                ucode = 0;              /* XXX should be PROT_something */
                signal = SIGBUS;
                sicode = BUS_ADRALN;

I have also set the stack ulimit to 32K but no relief.  I'm stuck, wondering
if you guys can help with interpreting this.

My program can be downloaded with 

ftp https://delphinusdns.org/download/snapshot/delphinusdnsd-snapshot.tgz

Where it's remade at midnight CET every day.

As far as I know it should work on macppc although this particular function
wasn't tested on macppc.  And it works on amd64 as I run this delphinusdnsd
in production on my personal nameservers.  Getting this working on octeon
would broaden my test network.

Best Regards,

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