In <>,
Dave Trudgian <dave () trudgian ! net> writes
[[6.6 or a recent snapshot, Thinkpad T430]]
> Under OpenBSD with the system sitting idle at a GUI, WiFi active, 50%
> brightness I see ~15W power draw from the battery. This is with `apmd
> -A` and the output of `apm` showing that it is throttled to 1200MHz.
> The CPU fan is running at a constant low speed.

On a Thinkpad T530 (= similar hardware except for 14" --> 15.4" screen)
running 6.5-stable (amd64), also with WiFi active and the system sitting
idle at a GUI, I see a power draw of ~20W/10W with the screen at max/min
brightness, so overall very similar to what Dave Trudgian sees.  I've
never tried a non-OpenBSD OS on this hardware.

-- "Jonathan Thornburg [remove -color to reply]" <>
   "He wakes me up every morning meowing to death because he wants to go
    out, and then when I open the door he stays put, undecided, and then
    glares at me when I put him out"
      -- Nathalie Loiseau (French minister for European Affairs,
                           explaining why she named her cat "Brexit")

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