Am 17.11.2019 um 19:51 schrieb
Thomas Bohl writes:
Now I want to go the extra step and automate the modification of the
I have put an insane amount of work into exactly this, also with
an eye to portably directing the process to other operating systems
and hosting environments.
Thank you for your quick response. It works now. Even better that the
tools in base are enough.
I'd be very interested to hear more about what your working on but
Nothing special. Only private stuff. I want to move from to-do lists to
scripts. I believe the buzzword is "infrastructure as code" :-)
meanwhile I think the command you're looking for is some variant
on this:
mkiso() {
Thanks. For completeness what I did for now:
# vnconfig vnd0 install66.iso
# mount -t cd9660 /dev/vnd0c cd/
# cp -r cd cd2
# mkhybrid -a -R -T -L -l -d -D -N -o install66a.iso -vv -A "Unofficial
OpenBSD 6.6 amd64 autoinstall CD" -P "Copyright (c) 2019 Theo de Raadt,
The OpenBSD project" -p "Thomas Bohl <>" -V "Unofficial
OpenBSD/amd64 6.6 CD" -b 6.6/amd64/cdbr -c 6.6/amd64/boot.catalog cd2