
I hadn't heard about file corruption on OpenBSD.  It would be good to
get to the bottom of this if it occurred.


On 11/14/19, U'll Be King of the Stars <> wrote:
> On 15/11/2019 04:45, Raymond, David wrote:
>> I have done similar things on Linux for years and am now doing them on
>> OpenBSD.  Sounds like what you want to do can be done with a simple
>> rsync script.  OpenBSD ffs (ufs) should be stable, it has been around
>> for decades in various incarnations.  I have never noticed bit rot in
>> this system, though I imagine it could happen if a disk is gradually
>> going bad.
> Please correct me if I'm wrong because I don't want to spread incorrect
> information.
> A couple of months ago I read a couple of reports of filesystem
> corruption on OpenBSD.  I didn't have time to investigate deeply and I
> don't know if these issues were even real.  Even if they were real I
> don't know if the problem was due to user error or a defect in the OS.
> Does anybody know anything about this?
>> That's why multiple backups help.
> Agreed.  See below.
>> You might want to set
>> up a raid5 backup, as this detects parity errors.  More complicated
>> though.
> This is exactly the kind of reason that hybrid volume management systems
> + filesystems such as Btrfs and ZFS have become popular.
> I do not know anything about OpenBSD's LVM.
>> One weakness in such as system (ask me how I know!) is that
>> if the NAS goes gradually bad, the errors will propagate to the
>> backup.  Using rsync without the --delete option most of the time
>> alleviates this somewhat.  Only run with --delete when the backup
>> starts getting full and you are confident that your NAS drive is ok.
> This is an excellent reason for implementing a system that includes not
> only backups, but long term storage /archives/ too.
> Andrew
> --
> OpenPGP key: EB28 0338 28B7 19DA DAB0  B193 D21D 996E 883B E5B9

David J. Raymond

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